Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crick of the neck

Last weekend I cricked my neck on Sunday morning, I couldn't turn it to the left and I was in a lot of pain.  After taking a mountain of nurofen and keeping my heat pillow on it pretty much all day I managed to loosen it up enough to be able to get about.  Then on Tuesday I went to see my massage therapist and he worked out the muscles.  It hurt like I can't describe but I felt much better and two days later was though it was all over.

It's a week later (the following Sunday) and this morning I did something again.  I just stretched my neck and I felt everything going crack.  Next thing I knew I was whimpering in pain, barely able to move.  Strangely even though it seemed to happen in my neck it was my lower shoulder that was in pain.  In fact almost 12 hours later it still is.  I've been dosing up on nurofen and heat again, pretty much laying straight on my back all day, but still it hurts and I'm worried about how I'm going to sleep tomorrow.

So this time I've decided to go see a physio as I think the problem might be more than muscular.  The fact that I heard my neck crack and have repeatly since makes me think something skeletal may also be the difficulty.  So I'm calling early tomorrow in hopes of getting in.  I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to drive, if things don't improve it's going to be a taxi job.

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